30 Day Writing Challenge

30 Day Writing Challenge Real Time Vlog

This is a behind-the-scenes style vlog of my 30 Day Writing Challenge... I thought it would be interesting to look back on how the challenge developed, and so I filmed lots of little clips throughout the 30 days... hopefully you will find it interesting too!

30 Day Writing Challenge

What I Learnt From My 30 Day Writing Challenge

It's been over a month now since I finished my 30 Day Writing Challenge, and I've had plenty of time to mull over what I've learnt and taken away from the experience. As I mentioned in my initial video, I didn't give myself any rules when I embarked on the challenge, so everything was a… Continue reading What I Learnt From My 30 Day Writing Challenge

30 Day Writing Challenge

I’m going to learn to drive / Writing Challenge Day 27

I've finally done it. I've applied for my provisional license. I might be five years late compared to most people, but that's okay. When it arrives in the post, I won't be able to delay learning to drive any longer. Driving lessons have never been a main priority for me. Yeah sure, I imagined that… Continue reading I’m going to learn to drive / Writing Challenge Day 27

30 Day Writing Challenge

This post is about hair & I can’t think of a witty name for it / Writing Challenge Day 20

My hair gets everywhere, and I'm sure you long-haired people out there can relate. It gets all over the laminate floors, worms its way into our fluffy rugs, and (and this is super gross and kind of embarrassing to admit) it's even sneaked into the fridge somehow (and quickly removed... I'm not a savage). I… Continue reading This post is about hair & I can’t think of a witty name for it / Writing Challenge Day 20

30 Day Writing Challenge, Social History

Exposing the Cobbles Beneath & Romanticising the Past / Writing Challenge Day 19

There are ghosts everywhere... not white-sheet-with-eyes kind of ghosts, but ghosts of times gone by. I often come across a patch of cobbles, elbowing their way out of the tarmac, determined to remind us of the lives that were lived before ours. Apparently, when slums were demolished, only the top layers were erased in many… Continue reading Exposing the Cobbles Beneath & Romanticising the Past / Writing Challenge Day 19

30 Day Writing Challenge

Do I write about myself too much? / Writing Challenge Day 18

I've been thinking a lot about how at the minute I write mostly about myself. Dolly Alderton mentioned that she has finally decided to stop writing about herself and her life in the podcast I was listening to yesterday (Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon - would highly recommend). Then a few hours later a… Continue reading Do I write about myself too much? / Writing Challenge Day 18

30 Day Writing Challenge

Rainy Summer Days and Nostalgia / Writing Challenge Day 15

The earthy smell and pitter patter of rain makes me feel nostalgic. I had to pop to the post office earlier, and my walk involved cutting through the tree lined short cut to the main road. Although today's rainstorm had pretty much finished, droplets had collected in the trees and were slowly making their way… Continue reading Rainy Summer Days and Nostalgia / Writing Challenge Day 15